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Here are the things you need to know


These Website Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) contained herein on this webpage, shall govern your access to and use of this website, including all pages within this website (collectively referred to as this “Website”). These Terms apply in full force and effect to your use of this Website and by using this Website, you expressly accept all terms and conditions contained herein in full. You must not use this Website if you have any objection to any of these Terms.



The Paydoor Terms set out the agreement between us Paydoor, an escrow company registered under the name FLOS TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED is a Nigerian Company with offices at 187B, OFF OREMEJI BUS STOP, MEIRAN ROAD, MEIRAN, LAGOS STATE, NIGERIA with company number 1952483 and you, the person who has completed the on-line application process on our secure customer website (the Paydoor platform). We will refer to these Paydoor terms to us as Paydoor or we or us; and, we will refer to you, the user of the services as you. We are an Escrow Service provider. You can request or download a copy of these terms at any time, which includes all the information you are required to be provided with. Any previous terms which were applicable to you are available on our website at www.paydoor.co


Paydoor will hold all funds on behalf of merchants until the transaction is completed. A transaction is completed once a customer accepts goods or services with an authorization code generated by Paydoor.

Paydoor will penalize merchants for defaulting orders, refunds or canceled orders. The penalty fee is 20% of the transaction capped at N10,000

Paydoor will not be held liable for any loss or damage of goods and services rendered to the customers.

Paydoor will not be accountable for logistics, or delivery of goods or services to the customers. Merchants are solely responsible for ensuring that all goods and services ordered by customers are delivered within the stipulated time frame agreed upon when the order was placed.

Paydoor will charge merchants for all transactions carried out on the website or app. Our transaction fee is 2% capped at N2,500 per transaction.

Paydoor will charge all merchants a processing fee of N100 to cover all bank transaction fees

All funds paid by the customer will be held for a minimum of 3 days after delivery of goods or services. Funds will only be released upon the receipt of an authorization code from a customer.

The Paydoor platform is not to be used for any fraudulent, gambling, illegal or life endangering scheme. Defaulters' accounts will be restricted and defaulters will be reported to appropriate authorities

Dispute resolutions should be highly prioritized. All merchants are required to respond to every dispute raised by customers within 24 hours


Age Restriction

Our website and services are directed to people from the ages of 18 and above. We do not knowingly engage with people younger than the age of 18.

The escrow service we provide

The service we provide you will enable you to receive immediate or future payments to or from other people (an escrow transaction). In order to enable you to carry out escrow transactions, we will set up and maintain a wallet account for you (we will call this 'your account'). Once we have set up your account, you may use the paydoor service to create and receive escrow transactions

Using your account

Your account is for your personal use only, once you have been set up as a merchant. You may use it solely for the purpose of generating product links, performing wallet operations (Withdraw and Transfer funds), attending to orders and disputes from customers and receiving funds into your wallet after a successful escrow transaction. Your login details enable you to access the paydoor platform and carry out escrow transactions with us and see a record of your escrow transactions, as well as see the status of those orders and disputes. You must not use your account for any illegal purpose. This means that you cannot use our services or your account for anything that might violate any laws or regulations. When you do so we may then decline, cancel or revoke any or all escrow transactions progressing and report such information we hold to law enforcement agencies as detailed in our privacy notice. For information on activities or transactions that are considered for an illegal purpose, you may make a direct request from us at https://www.paydoor.co/contact#contact-us Funds in your account will be held in accordance with the Paydoor terms for merchants section above.


In order to complete a successful escrow transaction, orders will need to be confirmed by the customer using an authorization code.

Generating a product link

You may generate unlimited product links which can be shared to multiple customers in order to make escrow payments for products. A product link can be shared to multiple customers, after payments have been made, the platform will generate multiple orders for each customer payment.


A dispute is created once a customer rejects an order, disputes can be found in the dispute section of the paydoor dashboard. There are three ways to resolve disputes currently,

a. Merchants can resolve dispute with the customer outside the paydoor platform and then close the dispute on the paydoor platform by clicking the “resolve” button in the dispute page of the paydoor dashboard (i.e The system sends out a resolution code to the customer, the merchant needs to communicate with the customer to get the code and then use code to resolve the dispute)

b. The merchant can refund the customer using the “refund” button provided in the app, this will attract a fee in accordance with the Paydoor terms for merchants section above.

c. The merchant can also escalate disputes to paydoor in cases where disputes cannot be resolved between the merchant and the customer. Paydoor will validate all proof provided by both parties and take necessary actions based on proof provided.

Liability Limitations

If anything goes wrong in an escrow transaction that we are involved in, but this is due to abnormal or unforeseeable events outside of our control, which would have been unavoidable even if we had taken all steps to prevent them, we will not be responsible to you for any losses and costs caused. Also, if we are unable to meet our obligations to you or perform our services due to legal or regulatory obligations or changes that apply to us, we will not be responsible to you for any losses or costs incurred.

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