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How to log a Dispute

A dispute is automatically logged once an order is rejected, you can also send an email to support@paydoor.co containing your complaints and evidences to raise a dispute

What to do if I can’t find notification mails

Send an email to support@paydoor.co with proof of payment and details of your order


How to resolve a dispute

Visit your dashboard, click on the dispute tab to see all raised disputes

There are three ways to resolve disputes currently
1. Merchants can resolve dispute with the customer outside the paydoor platform and then close the dispute on the paydoor platform by clicking the “resolve” button in the dispute page of the paydoor dashboard (i.e The system sends out a resolution code to the customer, the merchant needs to communicate with the customer to get the code and then use code to resolve the dispute)

2. The merchant can refund the customer using the “refund” button provided in the app, this will attract a fee in accordance with the Paydoor terms for merchants section above.

3. The merchant can also escalate disputes to paydoor in cases where disputes cannot be resolved between the merchant and the customer. Paydoor will validate all proof provided by both parties and take necessary actions based on proof provided.

How to refund a customer

Refer to item 2 in "How to resolve a dispute" above

How to escalate a dispute

Refer to item 3 in "How to resolve a dispute" above



What is paydoor

We are a payment transaction and escrow platform that make it possible for sellers to receive payments securely and for customers to pay safely

Does paydoor have a mobile app

No. We are only web based.


How to create a product link and share with a customer

Proceed to your dashboard page and click on product links. Click generate product link and fill in your product details before submitting the page



Do I need to sign up to use paydoor?

No. Customers do not need to register or sign up to pay with paydoor


How can I activate my account

Upon signing up, an activation email containing a confirmation/activation link will be sent to your inbox. Please check your spam folder if not found.



Do I pay fees to use paydoor?

No. The platform it complete fee for customers


What is the current fee per transaction

2% per transaction capped at N2,500 per transaction

What is the penalty for canceling an order

20% penalty fee capped at N10,000

What is the processing fee per transaction

Processing fee is N100 per transaction

How long does it take for me to get my money

Your money is sent to your wallet within 24 hours after order confirmation. For an order to be confirmed, the confirmation code must be provided by the customer and approved by Paydoor.

How much does it cost to use Paydoor?

It is 100% free to sign up for an account on Paydoor.

Are there other fees aside from the transaction fee?

There are no other charges aside from the transaction fee. We do not charge a monthly or maintenance fee.



How to track my order

Orders can be tracked on https://app.paydoor.co/order-tracker using the order reference, Also notifications are always sent out once an order status is updated.

How can I reject an order

You can reject an order on https://app.paydoor.co/order-tracker once order is delivered, A rejection reason must be provided in other to reject an order.


How to update the status of an order

Visit your dashboard, click on the orders view, then click the “delivery status” to move the status of your order.

Who delivers the order to the customers

Merchants are responsible for delivering all orders to customers



How to create a wallet

Visit your dashboard, navigate to the wallet view and click the create wallet button

How to withdraw into an account

Visit your dashboard, click on wallet and select withdrawal. Input the amount you want to withdraw, provide your password and click the withdraw to bank account button. Finally authorize the process with an OTP

Can I fund my wallet

No, your wallet cannot be manually funded

Can I withdraw into any account of my choice?

Merchants can only withdraw to the bank account that was provided during registration to the platform



How are transactions completed?

A transaction is only completed once an order is confirmed by a customer using an authorization code or rejected with a rejection reason (A dispute is automatically created). Once an order is confirmed, funds will be credited to the merchant's wallet.

How are disputes resolved?

All disputes will be resolved via a 3-way communication involving Pyadoor, the merchants and the customers. Paydoor will remain neutral while the merchant and customers try to resolve their dispute. In an event where both parties are unable to resolve the dispute within the stipulated time, Paydoor would step in to resolve the dispute after a detailed investigation must have taken place.

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